Due to the raising number of e-scooters and the danger that involves unprotected and unexperienced users resulted in multiplication of draft laws to regulate slow vehicle traffic.
The latest legislative proposal in this respect belongs to UDMR Senator Cseke Attila and targets vehicles traveling at no more than 25 kilometers per hour.
According to the project, these vehicles will be registered in Romania only after their “approval and certification” by the Romanian Auto Registry – RAR. An exception would be made by vehicles registered in another Member State of the European Union. The proposal seeks to introduce a new category of vehicles, namely, slow-moving vehicles.
The legislative proposal, registered at the Senate in an emergency procedure, aims at amending and completing the Government Ordinance no.78 / 2000 on the approval, issuance of the identity card and certification of the authenticity of road vehicles for their commercialization, registration or registration in Romania.
Thus, in Article 1 a new paragraph is inserted with the following wording: “They are exempted from the provisions of para. (1) on the approval of slow road vehicles which have already been registered in a Member State of the European Union. ‘
Article 1 (1) of the current Ordinance provides that: “Road vehicles may be registered or registered in Romania only after the approval and certification of their authenticity, as the case may be, by the Autonomous Registry” Romanian Auto Registry “, hereinafter referred to as RAR, technically specialized of the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Tourism “.
The project also proposes the introduction of a new point in the normative act defining the slow road vehicle: “a road vehicle driven by a built-in engine and which can not travel at a speed exceeding 25 km / h on a level road.
“This legislative proposal aims at amending and completing the Government Ordinance no. 78/2002 on the approval, issuance of the identity card and certification of the authenticity of road vehicles for their commercialization, registration or registration in Romania, for the purpose of introducing a new category of vehicles, namely slow vehicles, in order to be registered and registered by Autonomous Registry “Romanian Auto Registry”, a permissive procedure is not currently foreseen in the national legislation as it is for other EU member states, “the initiator states in the explanatory memorandum of the draft law.
The UDMR Senator explains that the category of slow road vehicles is part of this category of a wide range of vehicles, which offer, among other things, eco-friendly solutions as well as advanced electric vehicle transport solutions to reduce CO 2 pollution “, according to the source cited.
They are easy to use and can serve both companies and individuals to carry goods and people inside cities, in the industrial area or in the mountain area.
“These vehicles are registered and used in different EU countries, using precise rules on public roads, such as speed limitation up to 25 km / h. European countries such as Austria, Slovakia, Germany, Malta, Slovenia, Croatia, Poland, the Netherlands have found their own legislative solution for putting these vehicles into circulation, even as the ‘slow vehicle’, thus managing to reduce pollution. short distances use the above mentioned vehicles, “concludes the initiator of the bill in the statement of reasons.
The legislative initiative was submitted, in an emergency procedure, to the Senate, the first being notified, the Chamber of Deputies being the decision-maker.