Galati installs fast chargers via AFM Municipality Financing

Galati decided to ensure broad public network of chargers by accessing funding for 15 fast charging stations for electric cars , each with 50 kW DC and 22 kW AC dual gun types . Each station installed by Telekom Romania will be able to serve two electric cars or plug-in hybrids at the same time.

The project for power stations in the Danube city was won by Telekom E-Mobility and they will install Etrel chargers. The duration of the project implementation is 7 months, divided into one month for design and six months for execution. The warranty for the work is 60 months. The total value of the contract is 2.18 million lei plus VAT.

The 15 fast charging stations in Galaţi will be installed on: Stadionului Street, at the House of Culture of the Trade Unions, in the Țiglina I neighborhood . Street Constantin Levaditti, Braila Street, Royal Street (City Hall Galati City), Boulevard Galati number 4C Boulevard Siderurgiştilor block PS2 . Street Builders (Arch parking area) in indoor car park Rizer, the Public Garden, across the street Elena Dear Boulevard Braila – P2 parking – the three states in parking ANL Street Railway . in the parking lot related to Corneliu Coposu Park, on Cloșca Street, and in the parking lot of the Botanical Garden, on Unirii Boulevard.

Telekom Romania is going to install fast charging stations for electric cars in other cities in the country, as a result of winning some tenders organized by the respective City Halls. Thus, in Râmnicu Vâlcea there will be 7 fast charging stations, and in Giurgiu 4 stations . The projects are ongoing and will be completed in the first half of the year.

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